
Welcome to our website!

The XR Media Research Group (XRMRG) is composed of highly motivated, diverse, and qualified academics, domain experts, professionals, and students who share a common interest in Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Realities and their applications in a variety of areas, including education and games. Please visit the “PEOPLE” page to see who they are and check the “PROJECTS” page (coming soon) to learn about our latest projects.

XRMRG’s mission is to lead the way in the realm of Extended Reality (XR) by creating a collaborative platform that showcases the exceptional works of our faculty members, collaborators, alumni, and students. Our goal is to introduce cutting-edge AR/VR projects to academic, non-academic, and commercial entities while keeping pace with the dynamic advancements in the field.


We aspire to create an inclusive environment that encourages the exchange of information, knowledge, and academic research in the field of Extended Reality. Through our collaborative efforts, we strive to shape the future of AR/VR by making these transformative technologies accessible and beneficial to society at large.

Our Goals:

Facilitate Collaboration: We seek to foster meaningful partnerships among academia, industry, and creators to nurture innovation and enhance the impact of immersive technologies on society.

Promote Exposure: By showcasing the exceptional works of our people, we aim to garner attention from diverse audiences, including educational institutions, businesses, and the general public.

Embrace Progress: We remain committed to staying at the forefront of the rapidly advancing field of Extended Reality, keeping track of breakthroughs and trends to enable continuous growth and learning.

Share Knowledge: Through our platform, we encourage the open sharing of information, academic research, and expertise, cultivating a collaborative ecosystem that enriches the entire Extended Reality community.

Empower Transformation: Our ultimate goal is to empower individuals and organizations with the transformative potential of AR/VR technologies, fostering a world where immersive experiences redefine how we interact, learn, and create.